My love of tye dye started when I was a young Girl Scout. I was fascinated with the process of untying so I could see my creation. I still get that same buzz of excitement and fascination today.
When I started following the Grateful Dead, I would talk to every tye dye artist along the way and ask questions about their work. Some would share tips and tricks, while others held tight to their artistic secrets.
I have been practicing for years and I have come to find my own way to these designs, with inspiration and help from others and a lot of trial and error. It is my hope you enjoy them as much as I enjoy creating them.
Tye Dye speaks differently to each person, and as I share my work with you, I am sharing a piece of myself.
All of my creations are unique, inspired and made with love. It is my hope they will give you happiness and joy too.
Thank you for your interest in Tye Dye Amy.